API documentation

The SmartFCA platform is a micro-services based platform. Several services are working together in order to achieve complex computations.

Services can be used through a graphical user interface (Web application), or you can also directly send request to separated RESTFUL APIs. This section will gives you documentation of all individual services making SmartFCA platform.

Note that a major part of services require access authorization. Authentication service allows you to get authorization keys

API introspection

By using '/describe' at the end of a route. You can obtain docummentation of the current route.All micro-services API are able to describe itself in order to give you docummentation

You can also provide parameters to get more detailed documentation:

includeSubRoutesWhen passing 1, docummentation will return all subroutes from the route where you call for.
includeSubRoutesParametersWhen passing 1, docummentation whill include complete documentation of sub routes.